And Hector (Macho) Camacho, whose childish vainglory is plenty legend enough without his marvelous fists, may have gone the way of all lightweights who can no longer fit into an iridescent suit of lights. Make sure to follow us on Twitter for updates and announcements.ĭISCLAIMER: Data may be outdated or incorrect, use at your own discretion.Livingstone Bramble, the dreadlocked Rastafarian with a dog named Snake and a snake named Dog, may have gone the way of all colorful fighters who fail to support their legend in the ring. Despite the loss, Bramble put on a good fight till it lasted. Rosario was 23 years old with a record of 28-2 (24 KOs). Bramble was 26 years old with a record of 24-2-1 (15 KOs). On SeptemLivingstone Bramble lost to Puerto Rican boxer Edwin Rosario via 2nd round KO. Livingstone Bramble loses to Edwin Rosario.Tyson was 32 years old with a record of 40-5 (20 KOs). Bramble was 32 years old with a record of 34-11-3 (22 KOs). Livingstone Bramble's fight with American boxer Darryl Tyson on ended in a draw. Livingstone Bramble draws with Darryl Tyson.

Rivera was 27 years old with a record of 23-2-1 (14 KOs). Bramble was 36 years old with a record of 38-20-3 (24 KOs). On MaLivingstone Bramble lost to Puerto Rican boxer Wilfredo Rivera via 3rd round KO. Livingstone Bramble loses to Wilfredo Rivera.

Taylor was 23 years old with an undefeated record of 13-0 (9 KOs). Bramble was 35 years old with a record of 37-17-3 (23 KOs). On NovemLivingstone Bramble lost to Australian boxer Shannan Taylor via 1st round KO.